Monday, March 31, 2014

Why frown when you can smile.......or better yet laugh out loud!

     Quite a few years ago I had an experience that changed the way I look.  I went to my hairstylist and as I sat in her chair she said " why don't you ever smile?"  I told her " I do smile.  I smile all the time!  What  are you smokin? "
     She had been doing my hair for a couple of years.  She had never asked me this question before and it puzzled me.  I thought to myself does everyone think I don't smile?  I decided to fix that and I started smiling at everyone.
     I have had some funny experiences smiling and saying hello to everyone.  Recently I came out of a store in Farr West, Utah.  As I was coming out of the store a man was coming in to the store.  Well, naturally I smiled at him because I smile and say hello to everyone.  He smiled back and asked me how I was doing.  Then he said " Oh, are you Ginger?"  I chuckled and said " No, I'm LeeLee ". Haha
     The other thing that happens when I smile at people is they take a double take.  Sometimes they smile back and other times they have a questioning look; like do I know you?
     The best thing that happens is that people start having conversations with me like I am somebody they really know.  It happens quite frequently at the grocery store.  I have had people stop and tell me about their families.  I have had people stop and tell me how great I look and ask me how am I losing weight and how much weight have I lost.  (none)  Just last week I smiled at a lady while I was checking out the eggs to see if any of them were broken.  All of a sudden I was in a full blown conversation with her about her husband and family of five.  She was talking to me like I was her best friend and I just nodded my head and smiled some more.  I wonder if she ever figured out that I wasn't who she thought I was.
     The very best thing that has happened since that initial conversation with my hairstylist is that recently someone payed me this compliment I love you.  You always SMILE!
                                                       Smiling with the grandkids!
                                                         Smiling with the Silver Fox!
                                                         Smiling with complete strangers!
                                               Smiling with Georgie and Monica!       
                                                  Smiling with my daughters!
                                                       Here's to smiling at you!!!


  1. Your smile is the first thing I remember about you from 3rd grade. It is beautiful! By th way, gorgeous grandchildren. Is that all of them? I can't get all of mine together at once.

  2. The youngest one was missing. We went to the movie and she is only ten months old. Thanks Stecky!

  3. Love your blog. You are awesome. So glaf you are my friend!

    1. Thanks for reading it Alisa! I have lots of ideas for it I just need more time!

  4. That smile can change the course of an entire day for someone. Keep it up and I am so grateful to you for making that choice. You are a great role model and friend.

    1. Thank you Kyra. It has been fun to see your posts on fb. I hope all is well. You are a cutie!
