Thursday, March 6, 2014

Teri and Paige.......Aka The Tale of Two Sisters

The Tale of Two Sisters

          I met Teri back in high school.  The class of 1976.  We were the Bountiful Braves.  I was a cheerleader and she was in politics and drama.  By this I mean she was a class officer and she was in all of our school plays.  
         She was one talented girl.  She could sing and dance but what I remember most is her ability to make people laugh.  I well remember our pep rallies and the little skits the officers would come out and do and how funny she was.  She was also beautiful.  
     When we graduated from high school we went our seperate ways and I wouldn't see Teri for many years.
     In the meantime; I got married to the Silver Fox and started a family.  We moved to Kaysville, Utah and lived in a small house in the heart of Kaysville City for 17 years.  Nine years ago we moved just down the road about two miles to a bigger home still in Kaysville, Utah.
     One of my new neighbors name is Paige.  Paige is a cutie too.  She is funny and has long blonde hair and has a bubbly personality also.  I had been friends with Paige for five or six years.  I thought I knew her well.  We are facebooks friends and how much better can you know a person than on facebook. (lol)  As I started paying more attention to Paige's facebook posts I started noticing that my friend Teri from high school would make comments on Paige's comments.  She was showing up on them all the time.  I finally asked Paige how she knew Teri and she said she is my older sister.  I couldn't believe it! I had to tell Paige how I knew Teri from high school and that we went way back.
     Skip to the summer of 2012 ( I believe it was the summer of 2012 it could have been 2011 ) the Silver Fox and I enjoyed going to some concert series at a park in Layton, Utah.  At the end of the concert series a play about a diner was going to be performed.  We attended the performance and wouldn't you know one of the leads in the play was my cute friend Teri.  After all of these years of being out of high school she was still singing and dancing her heart out.  She was still as cute and talented as ever.  I don't think she knows that I saw her in that play, but, Teri you are amazing!
     Teri and I became facebook friends a few years ago.  Lately I have been having give-aways on my facebook page.  I always see her name as someone who just likes my pictures or she will even make a comment on my status.  She has now moved to the Maryland area.  It is fun to share in her adventures as she posts pictures of the Washington D.C. area.  It is fun to see her living strongly as she participates in races, travels to North Carolina and tomorrow night as she is going to be hearing the Dalai Lama live and in person.
     The thing I love most about Teri though is she has HEART!  I received this in the mail last Saturday:
     It came all the way from Maryland.  Teri had been to a church meeting and the writer of this book was a speaker.  She listened to him and thought about me and bought me his book.
     The card reads:  This author spoke at our church last week and his thoughts on giving made me think of you.  It's good to bring joy to others and you do that through your facebook page and blog.  Hope you have a good day. God bless-Teri.
     Coincidence that Teri and I would reconnect by means of facebook through her sister Paige?  I don't think so.  God knows how to bless us and how to lift us and how to give us the encouragement we need to believe in ourselves.  Most times He does it by bringing special people into our lives.
     Teri and Paige thanks for being two special people in mine.  I love you both! 


  1. Oh, wow! What a neat story. Shows what good your blog and giveaways are doing. See how much you are loved?!? Both ladies must be very sweet.

    1. They are Marie. I love them both. The book I received is wonderful too.
