Saturday, March 1, 2014

LeeLee's Likes

     I like stuff.  I like lots of stuff.  I thought it would be fun on Saturdays to showcase the stuff I like.
Today I would like to introduce you to a new venue in West Haven Utah.  It is called Another mans Treasure.  Here is a picture of the trailer that advertises their name. There is a building that is right behind the trailor.  There are a lot of cool things in the building that people would be interested in seeing. There are several people who make wooden chests.  There are people who refinish furniture in very fun colors.  There are a lot of antique finds inside the building.  It is full of treasures that you and I might see as junk, but, the next guy could come in and see it and it to his collectiom.  We want to show our fantastic booth that we set up yesterday.  It is still a work in progress but we hope to make it thrive.  Here are a few pictures;

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