Monday, April 14, 2014

My Testimonial

     At times I will post about leaves on my tree who have passed away.  Their physical body has expired, however, it is my true belief that their spirit continues to live.
     Our Father in Heaven had a plan for each one of us.  We lived with him in the pre-mortal existence.  We are seperated from Him for a short period of time while we live here on Earth.  When we die we will once again live with Him.  We will also be among our friends and families who have preceded us in death.
     As I write about some of my loved ones who have all ready passed from their mortal existence I will express my sadness at the time of their departure.  I have a true belief that I will see them again.  This life is only a mere part of our existence.
     The belief I have is what gets me through day to day.  It gives me hope.  Without hope life would be meaningless.  It is something we can never give up on.  So with that said, I HOPE who ever may be reading these words, will have a great day today and will know without a doubt, that YOU ARE LOVED!


  1. Amen!!!! That is a beautiful testimony and what a sweet ending to the post.

  2. Thanks for always being supportive of me dear daughter of mine.
