Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My political debut.......aka what was I thinking?

     Town Meeting for new Police Station

     Last Tuesday evening I found myself at the local town meeting to decide whether or not our police officers need a new police station.  The previous police station was built thirty or so years ago back when K-town only had ten police officers.  K-town has grown considerably over the years and the police have grown out of their current building.  The police officers (  I believe there are 17 of them) work out of a trailer because there is not room for them in the police station.
     Being that one of these fine men happen to be my sons I decided to write myself up a little speech on his and his fellow officers behalf.  I did not know what to expect at the meeting.  I heard it could get a little nasty and that people would be very opinionated.  Me, myself and I kind of like to stay away from controversy.  It can make me a little intimidated, but, hey I will go to almost any lengths for my children.  (inside joke, I will not unplug a toilet for any of them) lol.
     Wouldn't you know that when I went up to give my speech no one was behind a certain woman.  I kept asking people if they were in line and everyone said no, not yet!  How did I end up behind the most opinionated woman in the room who told everyone she was no longer giving her support to the Police Chief.  Oh boy!!! and along came me after the cpas , the bank president, the police chief and the very assertive ...........I don't want to mention any names here.
     So here goes it    uh hummm  My name is LeeLee.  I am a mom.  I do not have numbers for you, but, I do have heart.
     In recent weeks we mourned with the citizens of Utah County as they lost one of their own Deputy Cory Wride.  Cory was a deputy willing to put his life on the line for his fellow citizens.  I believe that every one of our men in blue protecting Kaysville would do the same for each one of us in this room.  Anyone who is willing to give his life to protect mine deserves a safe work environment.
     I am pretty sure when I die, I might, be able to fill up a chapel.  The only men and women I know who can fill up an auditorium or a stadium when they are killed in the line of action are our men and women in blue.  They are our heroes.  Our heroes in Kaysville deserve better than what they have now.  ( I also know that our fireman and our military would do the same.  I only mentioned our police officers at the meeting because we were there to get them a new police station. )
     Because I was feeling a little empowered I also threw in the following line...This meeting is about people protecting their fellow citizens. It is not about money.
     To end it I gave my complete confidence in Mayor Oberg and his leadership for the future of the citizens of Kaysville.  
     To my surprise a kind fellow from the city council stopped me right in my tracks.  He said he wanted to make a comment to my remarks.  Did the look of sheer terror show on my face?  With all the confidence I could muster I looked straight into his eyes and prayed to the good Lord that I would know how to respond as I was about to wet my pants at the same time.  Would you believe that he told the audience that not only did I have a son serving as a police sargeant but that I also had a son serving as an EMT/firefighter.  He thanked me for raising two sons who would serve their community unselfishly in this manner.  
     Well, how was I going to respond to that!!!  The only way I could.  I lifted my head a little higher, put my shoulders back a little broader, looked him still straight in the eye and said "Thank you!"  That is how we get it done in K-town.
     Thank you Cory Wride for giving me something to think about and the courage to get it out of my mouth.


  1. I love this, LeeAnn! You are beautiful writer (and a super strong woman!). Way to get things done! :)

    1. Oh my goodness! Not Camille from sixsisterstuff. You are amazing to take time out for me. I love you Camille!

  2. Beautifully said....I wish I were there to see this. My brother-in-law is the police chief in Parowan and served in the Marines. These men do deserve a safe and healthy work environment.

    1. I wish it could have been recorded. It was great! I am so glad the city council gave them their building. I am a Leo so of course I am taking most of the credit for it. lol

  3. I am so proud of you. I have a habit of having these Celestial friends...once again I recognize one of them. Hope you get a new police station.

    1. Stecky we are getting one. City council voted on it. All but one gave the go ahead.

  4. Way to go!!! I'm so proud of you for this. That would scare the tar out of me, too. But how can you keep quiet when you have two wonderful sons who go to bat each and every day for the safety of others?! You're amazing!!
