Monday, April 21, 2014

More then one use for Easter egg dye.........

     Recently I watched a program called Studio 5.  It is an hour long program produced in Salt Lake City, Utah.  I don't watch it on a daily basis but every time I have watched it I have learned something new.  The guests are always very creative, knowledgeable, or entertaining.  I especially like the crafting and the cooking segments that are featured on the program.
     Last week I learned some new and fun uses for Easter egg dye.  Although Easter is over the dye can be used for a lot of different crafting projects.  Now would be the perfect time to stock up on dye because in most stores it is discounted by 50 per cent or more the day after Easter.
     The first project I made was this cute Easter candy container.  I had saved my egg cartons the last few months for this specific project, however, it would not have been as cute before I watched Studio 5.
     I made my egg dye following the package directions.
     When the dye was completely dissolved in the water and the vinegar I poured it into a spray bottle.
     For the above project I spritzed it on using my spray bottle.  I tried brushing it on at first with a sponge brush but I wasn't happy with the results.  It was taking longer then I wanted it to and it didn't seem to have the coverage I wanted.  Using the spray bottle worked a lot better.
     Following the techniques I saw on Studio 5 I brushed some teal blue dye on a piece of wood.  I loved the way the dye absorbed into the wood right away.  It works the same way wood stain does.  It soaks the color right into the wood.  The only difference is I didn't have to wipe any excess dye off the wood.  I brushed it on several times to give it the desired color I wanted.  This picture doesn't quite do it justice.
     The other technique I used was on paper.  I also spritzed it on.  It turned out really well.  I just need to decorate the card now.  The other thing you can do is use the dye on fabric.  I haven't tried this out yet.  As soon as I do, I, will post the projects.
     The best thing about using the Easter egg dye is that it is non-toxic so you can use it on containers that will hold food or candy.
     So, my advice to you would be to run to your nearest store before all the dye is snatched up.  You don't want to wait til next Spring to get a little more creative!


  1. Look at you! You are so clever. How is it that you can do all these fun things while I am running just to crawl through a day!

  2. Ummm, I don't sleep well at night (lol
