Monday, August 11, 2014

Kara......aka my leaf in Heaven

For my friend Kara:

It has been three years ago today;
That I lost an angel that was sent my way.

A name I had known only on a paper for a year or two;
Would become my friend, she is one of a few.

The kind of people God puts in your life;
To bless you, to love you, to cause you no strife.

The first time I met Kara she was so giving;
It was hard to believe she was among the living.

A person like her who gave with her heart;
I knew I would love her, right from the start.

Her story I learned straight from her;
Although, her life was hard at times, her motives were pure.

Emily, Lindsey and Mike are her joy;
I can't forget Alex; he is her baby boy.

We spent two months by a woman whose stature was small;
Her body wasn't big, but her spirit was so tall.

Charity, compassion, long suffering and pain;
Lessons learned from her, I had so much to gain.

She gave me peaches, fried rice, split pea soup and cake;
Oh what I would give to hear her laugh, smile and bake.

Her time on earth was very brief;
But her influence on me will be like a leaf.

Unique, individual, one of a kind;
On my friendship tree, I don't think she would mind.

Three years ago today, I heard the news;
Even though time heals, I can still get the blues.

Because my angel friend Kara had to leave so soon;
She'll forever be in my heart, like the rising moon!

I love and miss you Kara!  Thanks for teaching me the lessons I could learn only from you!